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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Interval

With the sudden illumination, the area became a bit noisy. I looked at my right and left and both of my friends looked as puzzled as I was. The Theatre was packed with occupied chairs and I was wondering as if all of the people present were engaged by their thoughts or were really enjoying the movie, coz I heard someone saying “What was that?” from the crowd pointing to the glamorous screen. I had lost almost 4 pounds for watching the movie; from my bank account that is and was still worrying “why did I choose to watch this movie?” But now was the best time of the whole evening with friends stuff, yes the Interval. I was aware that whatever I eat here is going to spoil my appetite for the later dinner and also it’s going to add some extra pounds to my weight, but I was helpless. After watching such a movie and that too only partially completed, I was sure I can have some enjoyment. One of my friends began to rise from the seat, I quickly game him a hundred bucks dictating him my order and made him repeat it so that he won’t mess it up. There I was sitting in an almost empty theater, with loud music banging my head and still the noise from the chit chatting was killing its existence. I was still disturbed by the scenes I saw prior to the Interval, so I moved on to discuss it with my other friend. When I looked at him, he gave me a weird look, as if I had kidnapped him and had bought him here which he felt was like a mass torture room. I could have kept quiet and let the time pass but all I had to do was to say “Wassup!!!” It was then he began to pounce at me with all sorts of bad words and scraps he had learnt all these years. It took me 7 min to calm him down and make him understand that I was as irritated as he was, and offered him some Coke that had arrived to my seat, all credits to my friend. As I was about to enjoy my soft meal, I heard a loud scream from behind. We all turned back to find a girl who had her hands covering her mouth with eyes almost closed and looking directly to something on the ground. I felt something must be really wrong as crowd began to gather around her. We Musketeers also decided to have a look at what misery might had happened. Even I was surprised to see what had taken place. In a couple of minutes two men from the cleanliness department arrived with brooms and cardboard planks at the scene and picked up the mouse which the girl might have killed with her high heeled shoes, poking her heels directly into the mouse’s bottom. The poor rat wouldn’t even have a chance to defend itself. That incident shook up the whole theatre and we were all asked to move outside the hall, so that they can search and clean up the whole place so that such incidents don’t happen in the rest of the movie. It is now that the reputation of the multiplex is jeopardized and the manager realized it too soon to avoid any big tragedy to take place. Before we could think anything else we were all approached by the manager and he ordered his crew to handover a supplement to everyone in the while of his managerial speech. In the final part of his ‘we are this and that speech’, I realized he had bribed us all to keep our mouth shut and never talk of this shit by giving us free tickets for any show anytime and any movie of our choice valid up to the next 3 months. I really enjoyed the entire atmosphere that was aroused and I got extra time of my favorite part of movie. I somehow figured out the reason that there are intervals in the movie for two important reasons – 1) To earn extra income for the theatre by selling over priced snacks and 2) So that the masses can get over their bitterness for the first part of the movie and can be prepared for the remaining part to be screened. As all this was over we entered the theatre to see the rest of the movie. It was then the end of the Intermission.

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